The processing conditions used to turn animal muscle into meat are critical in determining appearance and eating quality of the end product
Humane stunning & slaughter systems
We have unique and highly regarded capability in the development and implementation of electrical stunning and slaughter procedures. Our focus is always on systems that provide the highest standard in animal welfare while satisfying religious requirements and ensuring the system is improving worker safety, process efficiency and meat quality. As part of this we can provide training for operations & technical teams, supervisors and vets. We also regularly provide advice, support and training for government departments and regulators.

Carcass Processing Specifications: Evaluation and Optimisation
Carne Technologies has unique skills in either designing a process or identifying and resolving processing practices or procedures that maybe causing problems with process efficiency, product quality or shelf life - with particular emphasis on electrical inputs during carcass processing and chilling. This involves review and measurement of current procedures, and using our process modelling software, identifying process improvements and quantifying improvements in quality.

Quality Measurements & Certification
Our well equipped specialist laboratory undertakes routine meat quality and shelf life tests. The standard tests include objective evaluations of microbial growth, tenderness, succulence and colour, primarily for processors and supermarkets, and are used to demonstrate compliance with specifications or evaluate the implications of alternative specifications.

Eating Quality Programmes
Our staff have extensive experience working with both processors and supermarkets alike to set up eating quality programmes. This consists of working with our customers to identify process critical control points that relate to both product quality and product safety, then establish measurement procedures to use along the value chain to monitor the control points. As part of these programmes, we can carry out full training and support for technical staff.